2023 – 2024

This report covers the period April 2023 to March 2024, during which time Dŵr Anafon continued to make grants available to the communities of Abergwyngregyn and Llanfairfechan, agreeing just over £28,500 in aid during the period as detailed below.

Grant awards agreed in the period included £3692 towards new kit for Llanfairfechan Football Club in July, £1400 to Baby Actif Snowdonia to assist towards their well-being programs and talks, £500 towards a litter picking station on Llanfairfechan seafront, £4800 to Llanfairfechan Golf Club for new windows (following half the club being refitted in the previous year), and £1084 to ARC for new tables at Yr Hen Felin.

The Warm Spaces (and meal) initiative in Abergwyngregyn was repeated over the winter months, and several Energy Efficiency Improvement grants totalling £15,542 in Abergwyngregyn were made.  

(In March 2019 the project Energy Saving Aber was launched in Abergwyngregyn, with the aim of improving the energy efficiency of homes in the village. In 2023/2024 – due the charity holding extra funds, post-covid – the trustees capped grants at just over £15,000 and based on current annual income anticipate a similar, if not slightly higher, cap in 2024/2025). 

Three hardship grants, totalling £1,500 were agreed to be made to residents of Abergwyngregyn. Such crisis grants are restricted to people living in Abergwyngregyn.

Overheads and running costs amounted to approx. £498 whilst bank interest generated was approx. £4500


To further such charitable purposes for the general parish of Abergwyngregyn, including the community adjacent to Crymlyn and the parish of Llanfairfechan as the trustees shall think fit and appropriate. To provide grants for projects or activities that are of community benefit and meet at least one of the charity’s objectives. In crisis situations to provide a small grant of up to £500 to an individual or family.

The trustees confirm that they have had regard to the guidance issued by the Charity Commission on public benefit.


Dŵr Anafon is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) Foundation model, where the members are the trustees. It is governed by a constitution. An application to be a trustee is considered and voted on by existing trustees. There may be no more than 12 trustees at any one time. There must be at least one trustee from Abergwyngregyn and one from Llanfairfechan at any time.

Dŵr Anafon’s Charity Registration Number is 1172866 and its address Yr Hen Felin, Abergwyngregyn, Llanfairfechan, Gwynedd, LL33 0LP.

The charity’s trustees during this financial year were:

Gareth Owen                                Chairman

George Mair                                 Secretary

Aziz Maki                                       Treasurer

Charles Bishop

Laura Fielding

Elizabeth Gatehouse

Wynne Griffith               

John Hulme

Jenny Jones

Alwyn Nixon

Rita Roberts

J Nick Rushbrooke